Sunday, November 29, 2015

Feeling comfortable? GET OUT!

Human adapt to any kind of circumstances or environment, and we all always chose the comfort one. We craved for fortune and fame, health and freedom, we take paper and pen, write it down the plan, made schedules and keep in track. Things went well......

We chose to see the world in our own perspective, and that's what world meant to you. We go online, social media, television to see news and issues your friends and people you surrounded care most. You guessing and predicting the world like you do, and everything went fine. Getting cozy, getting used to never ending work and responsibilities, never finished reading books and news, and not satisfied with the LIFE now. This is the world, cruel and boring, right? I already had a lot of experiences, and knew the world, how things works and done.

If you really think like that, you will never grow as I belief. Anonymous said:" If the world is a book, then you probably read just a page". Yes! I believed I haven't seen the world yet, not through my laptop screen! Get up ! And go solo backpack ! No money? Not an excuses! And this is my current plan. Going for a backpack solo to see the world, knowing who i am and why alive is better.

 To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life. --- WALTER MITTY

Thursday, November 19, 2015

River never flows around, they flew across~

Time goes by, and you found that something you used to good at had became mediocre, feeling like falling behind, and felt all those time put into it are wasted. Same as improvements from past to now. Age is the number, for reference in your life, it is a fact, but not an equation. If you found out you are falling far behind than you expected, please take this advice that i learned from Richard Branson. 

Screw it! Just Do It! 

imagine who you wanted to be, what you wanted to achieve, that you can see so clearly every single details and you craving for it, that is when "desire" comes to play. And yes ! Desire is a must! Or else you will facing unmotivated and started to looking for directions again! Go do it and let yourself filled with imaginations.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Putting the puzzle together is part of scope as a leader. And yes i am trying to! Today meeting with a Yu Hua 4 years no see friend in Pulp by Papa Pahelta, coincidentally found another friend working in there. We shared the passion of coffee, and wanted to expand the potential in coffee industry, searching new opportunities and having the guts to make things happen in certain risk even in a downturn economy situation.

The power of passion radically came from inherent personality always breaking the ice-wall. I believe there is some connection between us, maybe we are part of the team in future. Appreciate both u guys sharing such a wonderful passion and experiences. A wonderful place to talk about coffee and keen. Looking forward for the team bae !~

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Step Forward

Every step ahead, opportunities came. Step by step, three years past away between my fingertips just like everyone did. Everything seems feasible, achievable, simple, and colourful. All we need is the passion inside our heart, this is what i believed. Years came by, things get complicated, "thinking too much" had become an compliment, or maybe became imperative, everything seems like a path that u only have a choice. But still, i strongly believed there is not just a path to choose, most importantly is who i want to BE.

Coffee makes my day, happier, energize, relax, conscious, and most importantly it became part of my life. Started like everyone else, latte art. 
My life became so interesting, and i keep dig deeper and deeper with my enthusiasm to become an entrepreneur, and every door i unlock, i saw new opportunity and knowledge. Taiwan coffee loving days goes by as quick as thunderstorm, and yes I am BACK to my hometown now!

Nothing seems impossible i told my illusionist self. And i started my BusinessPlan--- coffee shop.
One by one, more and more discouragement and disagreement pile up my back, heavier and heavier and i hesitate should i throw away those pile or keep working on it. Come on! You know u are different, you can do it ! Just like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs did! Go for what u believe in ! And yet things fall apart when i learn more about business and earning money, most importantly lack of resources, i have no power at all. Hey ! Keep it up !

Going to make a big difference in myself? Gonna start with my paradigm, this is what Steve R. Covey books said ! Go on ! Be proactive and do what u need to do ! Get things right and focus on the first thing ! Okay ! COFFEE TO START !