Thursday, November 19, 2015

River never flows around, they flew across~

Time goes by, and you found that something you used to good at had became mediocre, feeling like falling behind, and felt all those time put into it are wasted. Same as improvements from past to now. Age is the number, for reference in your life, it is a fact, but not an equation. If you found out you are falling far behind than you expected, please take this advice that i learned from Richard Branson. 

Screw it! Just Do It! 

imagine who you wanted to be, what you wanted to achieve, that you can see so clearly every single details and you craving for it, that is when "desire" comes to play. And yes ! Desire is a must! Or else you will facing unmotivated and started to looking for directions again! Go do it and let yourself filled with imaginations.

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