Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Toilet Roll Paradox

What?! Coronavirus? Financial Crisis?! Influenza A?

Okay, let me get this straight since so many people are worried about whether they're going to be in the "The Walking Dead" scenario soon. Apparently it's not, but likely shown the human nature exactly from the series in live, i mean now!

There's a curious Aussie walking into the supermarket in Australia, interviewing the crowd grabbing and snatching a whole trolley of toilet roll. He asked, "Why are you grabbing so many toilet rolls?". Out of expectations, they replied like no one ever asked before, "because coronavirus". Then he asked, "How would these toilet rolls help you on coronavirus?", they replied, "...i just need these because mine is running short."

Hahaha...Henry Ford once said, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it."

In human psychology, people worried when things running short, if you announce there will be no more production for Starbucks mug, indeed they will grab every single mug from the store regardless of their need. Same goes to toilet roll, if you announce there is shortage of toilet roll in all the supermarkets, then you'll see the crowd fighting and grabbing as many of them possible. In SG and MY, we called it "Kia Su". That's right, this happens when your did not use the brain to think, and react naturally on the stimulus of environment. 

Just blogging here and no offense to anyone, but i'm quite sure Malaysia will have similar scenery soon if ever happened to be.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Nugget in a Damn Big Box

Dear Me,

Good day and hope you're well, as well as the society wanted you to be. Blogger is fading out, or maybe converting the crowd to Twitter. Here, i see memories, thoughts and footprints... like Steve J. used to say "you only can connect the dots backwards", and now here I am, in the middle of the crowd feeling normal and similar.

At the stage of loss counting of how old actually I am, briefly recognized I'm rolling into my 30's, I think I'm in a stage of "a freed fish in fish tank", and I'll explain why. At the moment, I got my physical freedom, my time are well scheduled and managed for every perspective and roles without ignoring any one of them, but then still able to freed couple of hours a week to read (which i don't think most young parents have that).  Furthermore, financially able to keep myself survive along with some commitments (no investment in property at this stage) , subsidize in home expenses, and still able to have some fun here and there. A good life, huh?

"Why do you choose to live a life like this?", Yup! This question hits me, often. I can greatly predict my years to come if i choose the options provided by others, and it actually got me bored. I would love to create a path whom never went before, something exciting and unknown, of course comes along risky. At this stage, i saw friends picking the choice of A to Z in their career, striving from A1 to A100, or they pivot to G1 and start all over again. What do I want? An alphabet that never exist before?

There's plenty of industries out there, but still countable. Economist is playing their predicting game, Technologist are always pouring the late night oils to be the latest, or just to stay in game. Artist create goods based on others point of view, they cover their ears to show they don't care, with eyes wide open desperately craving for responses.

There's 8 corners in a box, no matter which corner you're at, you're still in the box. Everything are well built in this box, everything are interrelated, sophisticated, beautiful and ugly. We were born in the box, we've been processed, or processing, to different shape of nugget. Meanwhile, we are at the stage of choosing whether to create a damn better nugget, or not to be a nugget (if you know you are one). Because nuggets father nuggets son. Life is neither short nor long, depends how you live it. I believe mine should be Ngam Ngam Ho, if i live without regrets in every now and then.

Good luck Mr Me, and hope one day you could laugh at this little post with joy and tears.


Your stubborn little friend.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The No-Map Session

Sickness came into my health, and actually i lost of directions too......not all directions actually, but if you're saying specific directions i don't have it. I lost of maps, the map to wealthy in numbers, the map wealthy in mind, and the wealthy in relationships. 

After i came back from Singapore, i found that what i conceived in mind have already created in reality. I'm so stubborn not to create the same thing, and i need more innovation. I knew i'm going to Solo like a hobo in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand first, to seek freedom in three areas and find the real passion inside me. But now i'm stagnant, stop at a point which i lack of Money, even i'm now working in a coffee shop which monthly payment less than RM1,300, and deduct my working lunch which is no coverage at all, so basically i just have less than 1k a month which haven't deduct my daily expenses and transportation fees. The culture of my working place is a "just-work" place, no true friendship to talk about, and it is Boring and without challenge. I love challenge, but seems like I had been restricted in that area, and it is no good at all. I am trying to pulling myself out and find a new cashflow for myself, so i can survive. But I want more than surviving, I want to live!

Few years ago, i decided my goals is to open a great reputation travel agency and i flew to Taiwan to have my 4 years degree, but i fed up with myself, with my goal, the loss of passion in Tourism. So I stick my head into coffee industry since i working in a restaurant. I tried to keep focused in the coffee but too much distractions of opportunities flies through my shoulders. And now... i lost most of the opportunities and i am so fed up. I used to neglect every meeting and hang-out of my friends and family, and now i really regret about this. Now i know for sure, Life should be balance in every aspect of life, there is no great in career but sucks in relationships to have a happy life. 

I found myself these 10 years had been chasing so much rabbit, which even couldn't catch any one of them. In my early 10's I used to have great skills in piano grade 5 but i stopped in my 18. I used to play great magic which inspired and impressive but now i am rusty and bored with it. I used to lead trips and travels and plan it with passion and creative activities, but now the fear of failure and consequences had arise. I used to took great feelings photographs and making funny video clips but now i have forgotten most of the skills. I used to jump my same heights in sports competitions and now only my half i could achieve. I used to be so brave to do anything conceived in my mind and now i'm just an asshole sitting in a corner blogging. 

I won't wish anything because i knew nothing going to come true through wishing. That's why i brought a pen and note to write it down everything i conceive in mind later. Who I'm going to be? What I'm going to achieve ? Be sure to write it down and make a move, because i have wasted enough time.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Singapore Coffee Shop

I have nothing left in my bank account, and yet i have nothing to lose i think. i take the opportunity to communicate with my uncle who lives in SG and ask for accommodation, planned my trip with lowest budget possible and go along some coffee shop in Singapore. Although i still need few bucks to survive everyday.

 First stop should be "The Lab" which most customers are Malay, and they're easygoing. This cafe just near Lavender stn.
 2nd stop-- "Symmetry" , a great environment for chatting with friends, probably love its food though.
 A.R.C. by John Ryan, a guy with great ambitious and huge passion in coffee. Providing great educations, roastery beans, and most directly great coffee provided. I tried the Canyon single origin and i was addicted to that small little cup, strong and "spicy" aromatic espresso with holy brightness made my day. 
 the "1+1" , Espresso + Cappuccino.
 A.R.C bar is a tidy neat view.
 They earned alot of rewards :D
 "Strangers Reunion", a coffee shop that contributes some of it's profit to help a stranger, in which suffer from cancer. 
 You can feel their slogan are made into action.

A great and feral barista making latte art naturally.
 9 layer ! great job barista!
 "Nylon coffee roaster" a great place to taste fresh and delicious coffee standing up.
 they have choices, and they're affordable and delicious, brewing method or espresso machine, your choice.
 you can smell the great fragrance from few miles away, this is the answer. Lovely Probat home sweet home.
 The environment is great and warm, their welcoming made you feel like known each others for years.

 "Populus", A quality cozy environment that providing quality environment,coffee&food, and service. Even their waiter needs to wear white shirt.
 Environment are inspiring and great for a relax afternoon tea with your love ones.
 "Department of Caffeine" Exterior design
 The service not really good though, but the environment quite crowded, their food and coffee are good so don't worry.

 "Oriole coffee+bar" , great environment and service, food is so attractive, a great place to drop by sometime when you're near "Orchard stn"

 try to get some coffee and food, and find out how great it is :)
 They have tasting bar, actually are connected with the whole bar.
 Elegant interior
 "Nespresso" even though not really a coffee shop, but in Singapore this is quite a popular brand/spot to hang out in the mall. 
 So many machines available and affordable, what inspired me alot is their innovation that provides easy-using machine to extract great coffee. (But i still prefer Espresso machine&filter brew)
 you can see their sugar, even the sugar are so attractive and classy.
 It's just like choosing your collection, collecting nespresso capsules is part of some people's hobby.
 "Chye Seng Huat Hardware", i always called it Papa Pahelta, and finally came to this place. Every barista is well-trained, and their environment is really antique.
 filter brew a great brightness coffee.

 their desserts are quite special and attractive.

 It's kind of their product development department.

Don't fool by the exterior of them, they sell coffee too. :D

Monday, December 14, 2015

used to......dream...

Today, i put down my stubborn and obsessed with starting up and put my guts back on and go to work in a coffee shop. putting down? I have planned for more than 2 years for these... People looking at me and said when? where?... Some others just laugh at me like i'm a baby child that haven't seen the world yet... yet... yet...

Yes, today is the first day, and i feel really connected to those who said they used to have dreams, and now facing realities. Reality is you work for RM6 per hour, and you don't have the choice to choose your time and payments, and you don't have holidays, weekend work is much more than usual, and you just need to keep you feet up everyday and smile...smile...to the employers...to colleagues...to the customers... even when you are not in the mood on smiling you still must smile...or... you won't able to stay here long. Sometimes, different perspective gives you more angle on the world you living in, more stories, more adventure, more inspirations. And by the way this is not my first work, it's kinda my 9th job and still did inspired me a lot.

After i read a blog of one of my best friend CheeJen, felt sad, sympathy, inspired and support. A light of imagination flash through my mind... a picture... of us...i mean us...who still crazy enough to believe who we dream of ...and reject how the society wanted us to be...we reunited... we build our passion together... and...... we SHINE ! ~

That's called Living in the dictionary of life. Thank you for my best friend Cheejen, you are not alone. You are the people who are more than a job, a paycheck, a property, a fame.......you are absolutely different!

To all my fellow crazy friends who still doing crazy things and love to make things happen, you all will change the world ! And i miss you guys now >.<

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Feeling comfortable? GET OUT!

Human adapt to any kind of circumstances or environment, and we all always chose the comfort one. We craved for fortune and fame, health and freedom, we take paper and pen, write it down the plan, made schedules and keep in track. Things went well......

We chose to see the world in our own perspective, and that's what world meant to you. We go online, social media, television to see news and issues your friends and people you surrounded care most. You guessing and predicting the world like you do, and everything went fine. Getting cozy, getting used to never ending work and responsibilities, never finished reading books and news, and not satisfied with the LIFE now. This is the world, cruel and boring, right? I already had a lot of experiences, and knew the world, how things works and done.

If you really think like that, you will never grow as I belief. Anonymous said:" If the world is a book, then you probably read just a page". Yes! I believed I haven't seen the world yet, not through my laptop screen! Get up ! And go solo backpack ! No money? Not an excuses! And this is my current plan. Going for a backpack solo to see the world, knowing who i am and why alive is better.

 To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life. --- WALTER MITTY

Thursday, November 19, 2015

River never flows around, they flew across~

Time goes by, and you found that something you used to good at had became mediocre, feeling like falling behind, and felt all those time put into it are wasted. Same as improvements from past to now. Age is the number, for reference in your life, it is a fact, but not an equation. If you found out you are falling far behind than you expected, please take this advice that i learned from Richard Branson. 

Screw it! Just Do It! 

imagine who you wanted to be, what you wanted to achieve, that you can see so clearly every single details and you craving for it, that is when "desire" comes to play. And yes ! Desire is a must! Or else you will facing unmotivated and started to looking for directions again! Go do it and let yourself filled with imaginations.